Start your editing & publishing business

Start your editing & publishing business

What it takes to launch an editing business

Starting and running a successful online editing business can be highly rewarding. But here’s the million dollar question – what does it take to do it?

Having excellent editing skills is a great start, but it isn’t sufficient. There’s also the business angle to focus on.

We cover the two big steps you’ll need to take to build your online business empire.

1. Start your editing business

Understand and execute these 9 Steps to start your online editing business from home.

2. Promote yourself as an editor

Focus on these 5 ways to market your editing business and get clients.

Super-charge your editing business!

The multi-billion dollar publishing industry is exploding! According to market research, it’s expected to grow by $23.73 Billion in the 2020-2024 period.

What’s driving these crazy numbers? For starters, the industry is no longer controlled by a few powerful publishers with limited publishing capacity and long-drawn publishing time-frames.

The internet has made it easier for authors and writers to publish their work without waiting for a top-tier publishing company to give them the nod.

The flip side is that the editor’s work has become more important than ever, to help serious writers stand out from the crowd of wannabes churning out low-quality writing. That’s pushed up the demand for freelance editors who can provide quality editing services at affordable pricing.

This is a great time for editors who can pick up some business and entrepreneurial skills, and take their game to the next level. While there’s no shortcut to success, the process itself is not as complicated as you might think.

Freelance writing tips

Regardless of the career stage you’re at, you’ll find some good, practical advice on our site. Here are some categories to help you navigate the list of writing, editing and publishing related posts we’ve written for you.

Writing skills

Using falling action / conflict, tackling the climax, dealing with writer’s block, writing human interest stories.

Writing styles

First person vs third person, flash fiction, using passage of time, dialogue writing, story setting, having a unique voice.


Character development, character arcs and stages (with examples), how many characters should you have.

Book writing

Understanding your audience, plot development, writing the ending, types of non-fiction, synopsis writing, hiring a writing coach.

Book marketing

Online book marketing using the internet, how to build traffic to your blog, tips from published authors and experts.

Book publishing

Traditional publishing vs self-publishing, tips to self-publish, truths about getting published, book pricing.


The mentoring package from Booksoarus has helped me in identifying major/minor flaws with my plot, people, pace etc. and suggested ways to improve through lots of suggestions as well as asking uncomfortable questions that need introspection at a granular level, keeping the reader FIRST.

Ashish Joy Kabir